It’s the KIDD!!!!

Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle for Genesis is a classic title that somehow over the last 31 years I missed. 31? That can’t be right can it? Hold on. 2020…1989… Ughh…Anyway I screwed up and I should have played Alex Kidd in the Miracle World first for the Master System so I guess I know what my next title is. 

The game is simple enough but you will not have any comprehension of the story unless you watch the opening scroll (which I didn’t do, because I didn’t know there was one until later) or you have the manual (which I don’t have and I had to download). Apparently you are being thwarted by all kinds of things in the land of Paperock from trying to find Alex’s lost father, the king, Thor, (and yes, I know a certain editor from Game Informer hates a story summary being put in the second paragraph but it’s going here). However I must include an incredible part out of the manual that’s not in the game, “So Alex gets though! And he knows how to jump, punch, and kick. And he finds out how much fun it is when the creatures explode!”

Which is good because you just punch stuff as you progress with controls that still feel good and responsive and not floaty so you won’t feel frustrated. MINIOR SPOILER: It’s not until the last level of the game when you get into MAZE like level and even then there is only ONE spot where I was confused on what to do.

You do have several weapons at you disposal and are hidden in chests. Power Bracelet that can be used for projectile attacks; Motorcycle for a bash attack; Pedicopter (a Helicopter powered by pedals — PROTIP Hold A or C to use and then B to fire missiles they don’t give you on screen instructions) that has it’s own stage; a pogo stick, to umm…like jump around very high; wizard’s cane, walk on air (you can only use once); cape; god mode except lave lakes and suspended ceilings, only one use; Token; helps you figure out what your opponent is thinking during Janken.


Janken? Yes, Space cadet, you’re not from this planet. You’re a visitor. The name of the planet is, Paperock because they have this hardcore fetish for Paper, Rock, Scissors. You will can enter Janken houses at your own free will get get extra cash or just wait till the end of the stage and battle the boss in a game of Janken, aka Paper, Rock, Scissors. Yes, that’s your boss battle for 11 stages (it says in the manual how many stage there are in the game with pictures).

Over all Alex Kidd is a pretty short game. It’s not offense in anyway. It’s not horrible either. It’s cute but not great and not really good. When games like Mario and Kirby were out there they could have done better. They had the influence they just fell a little flat. I would love to see a return of the series but I know it would be some horrible micro transaction or pixel art trash. I guess the next time I play Paper, Rock, Scissors I’ll be thinking of what could have been.