2018 Game Awards Highlights and Thoughts

The Hype Train:

Mortal Kombat 11: This was a CGI trailer showcasing a brutal battle between Raiden and 2 incarnations of Scorpion. It was scored by some stupid mumble rap song which really stole a lot of energy from the reveal. Ed Boon introduced it on stage, and the opening dragon logo sequence was beautiful. Lightning cracked around the logo in a fresh way. It’s Mortal Kombat, so I’m automatically hyped even without gameplay video.

Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order: It looks really good. The surprise of the evening for me was it’s exclusivity on the Nintendo Switch. It looks to have as an impressive cast of characters as the previous games. The Avengers, the Guardians of the Galaxy, Spider-man, Wolverine, classic Sentinels, Skrulls, the X-Mansion, and many others highlighted in the MCU made an appearance in the trailer.

Far Cry: New Dawn: This looks fantastic. A lot of customization items are available. The setting is post-apocalyptic, but is bright and colorful. Vegetation and animals appear to be abundant. I’m curious to see if there are any mutations in the post-nuclear war setting. The villains are exceptionally vicious and menacing. The scene in the trailer when the car is flying through the air and the dog is hanging its head out of the window, tongue flapping, with a joyous look spread across his face was one of the highlights of the night.

Fortnite is introducing a huge creative mode update. To me personally, it isn’t a big deal, but I feel this will push the game to new heights. Creativity is what is drawing in audiences to many of the biggest games today. Season 7 went live yesterday.

Anthem: This game looks very promising. I had to check out some youtube videos of gameplay, and I am sold. It looks like a huge improvement on the idea of Destiny.

Hades: This is an isometric action game similar to Transistor. I’m impressed by how colorful the developers have made the underworld. The concept of dying over and over is neat. The voice acting was really well done also.

The Outer Worlds: It’s a single player sci-fi RPG by Obsidian. ‘nuff said.

Ancestor: You get to play as different generations of human evolution over the course of millions of years. There is weapon combat, wild predators, a lot of climbing and agility, and pretty cool looking ape designs.

Devil May Cry 5: It’s DMC, but with Kylo Ren! I love the series and it looks promising.

The Meh Train:

Stranger Things: The Game: I’m a huge retro gamer, but this one didn’t grab me like I hoped it would. The gameplay appears to be solid, and I love the retro theme. I just didn’t really get excited. I hope a demo comes out that changes my mind.

Smash Bros. Ultimate DLC: They announced Persona characters as DLC. Cool, but not earth-shattering like Liu-Kang or Kratos would have been. There are so many possibilities with this series.

Atlas: This is a MMO that is 12,000 times the size of a single Ark: Survival Evolved server. The problem is that it comes from the developers of…Ark: Survival Evolved. It featured large pirate ships, gigantic creatures, and a nice looking ocean world. I was getting a little hyped until I realized who developed it. We’ll see.

The Don’t Even Pull Out of the Station Train

Dragon Age 4: That was the must underwhelming tease ever. It showed zero about the game other than the hashtag #thedreadwolfrises. Very Lame.

Scavengers: It looks okay, but we are inundated with survival games. The sci-fi theme is great, and the idea of having to work together to survive, but also compete against each other will be good if it is fully realized.

Journey to the Savage Planet: The CGI trailer hints at the humorous nature of the game. That’s about it.

Rocket League McClaren DLC: McClarens and Rocket League are cool, but aren’t anything to get excited about as DLC. Give me Mad Max’s Interceptor.

PUBG: I really got sick of seeing this game during the show. I’ve never played it. I’m not hating on the game, I just don’t care, yet.

Anti-Vaping Campaign: I don’t disagree, I just got tired of seeing it.

Categories that aren’t actually presented: Apparently the multiple musical performances squeezed time away from the “minor” categories. It’s a game awards show. The host just read a quick list of nominees and the winner before moving on without any sort of presentation. On the flip side, maybe the whole show could have been this way, and I would have been more interested. I was here for the debut trailers.

Musical Performances: One was good. Way too much time was spent on the musical performances. One mid-show and one at the end would have been more than sufficient.

The Youtube Stream: It crashed halfway through and was down for a while. I finished on Twitch.


Metroid 4: Nintendo, stop it already. At least give us an image or something.

Aliens: Blackout: I’m hyped because its Aliens. I need some more information. There appeared to be a hidden clue campaign, but nothing materialized.

Half-Life 3: Fuck you, Valve.

Award Winners:

Game of the Year: God of War (I’m shocked RDR2 didn’t pick this up)

Best Ongoing Game: Fortnite

Best Game Direction: God of War

Best Narrative: Red Dead Redemption 2

Best Art Direction: Return of Obra Dinn

Best Score: Red Dead Redemption 2

Best Audio Design: Red Dead Redemption 2

Best Performance: Roger Clark as Arthur Morgan Red Dead Redemption 2

Games for Impact: Celeste

Best Independent Game: Celeste

Best Debut Indie Game: The Messenger

Best Mobile Game: No such thing haha (it was PUBG)

Best Action Game: Dead Cells

Best Action Adventure Game: God of War

Best RPG: Monster Hunter: World

Best Fighting Game: Dragon Ball FighterZ

Best Family Game: Overcooked 2

Best Strategy Game: Into the Breach

Best Sports/Racing Game: Forza Horizon 4

Best Multiplayer Game: Fortnite

Content Creator of the Year: Ninja

Best Esports Player: Dominique McLean

Best Esports Team: Cloud 9

Best Esports Game: Team Fortre….I mean Overwatch

Best Esports Event: League of Legends World Championship

Best Esports Host: Eefje Depoortere

Best Esports Coach: Bok Han-Gyu AKA Reapered

Best Esports Moment C9 Triple OT Win vs Faze

In summary, it was an okay show. They need to trim the award categories and musical performances. The Muppet shtick with Pepe the King Prawn was funny. More muppets. He was way more interesting than many of the “personalities” they featured. Seeing the US heads of Sony, Xbox, and Nintendo on stage at the same time was kind of cool too.

The Hollywood Model

I'm watching the Internship. And I am so sick of the same cliché deal in every movie. Two idiots in the movie trying to accomplish one thing. It doesn’t matter if they are trying to join a fraternity; save an orphanage; become cops; save a library; etc. One always finds a girl to fall in love with why? It’s like there is some unwritten rule in Hollywood passed on by generation after generation.

The reason being the studio executives believe that all women are stupid and the only way you can get a woman to see a movie is if you put a pointless love story in there. My memory could be wrong but “It has to be romantic” or “is it romantic” was something I remember David S. Goyer saying that someone from Warner Brothers asking/wanting in the GOD DAMN BATMAN FILM!!!! THE GOD DAMN BATMAN!!! HE’S BATMAN!!! HE PUNCHES FUCKING EVIL!!!! HE SLEEPS WITH CHICKS ON THE SIDE JUST TO KEEP UP HIS, “I’M BRUCE WAYNE, PLAYBOY” BUT WHEN HE’S DONE HE PUNCHES EVIL IN THE FUCKING THROAT!!!!! WHY?!!! HE’S THE GOD DAMN BATMAN NOT THE ROMANTIC BATFUCK!!! CHICKS ALREADY DIG BATMAN, FUCKERS! THEY ALREADY WANT TO PAY TO SEE BATMAN!!!!

I mean god forbid a woman, who Hollywood executives would deem worthless flesh and only good for baby making and tits, enjoy something that would, oh, I don’t know, make them LAUGH, OR CHEER without reminding them that “OH MY GOD I WANT TO MAKE BABIES SHOW ME SOMEONE IN LOVE SO I CAN WANT THAT AND MAKE BABIES!”

Give the female audience more respect than that and leave that shit out of movies. Why? Bulletin points!

  • It bogs down the story: Keep the story moving. A rollercoaster.
  • It inflates the length of the film meaning less showings of the movie meaning less money the studio can make.

So please studios. Stop doing this shit.

PS: If you watch Twilight than you’re exactly what the studios want and you’re part of the problem and I can’t help you and you’re not allowed to watch Batman but you can watch that Arrow pussy with his shirt off.
