The Hollywood Model

I'm watching the Internship. And I am so sick of the same cliché deal in every movie. Two idiots in the movie trying to accomplish one thing. It doesn’t matter if they are trying to join a fraternity; save an orphanage; become cops; save a library; etc. One always finds a girl to fall in love with why? It’s like there is some unwritten rule in Hollywood passed on by generation after generation.

The reason being the studio executives believe that all women are stupid and the only way you can get a woman to see a movie is if you put a pointless love story in there. My memory could be wrong but “It has to be romantic” or “is it romantic” was something I remember David S. Goyer saying that someone from Warner Brothers asking/wanting in the GOD DAMN BATMAN FILM!!!! THE GOD DAMN BATMAN!!! HE’S BATMAN!!! HE PUNCHES FUCKING EVIL!!!! HE SLEEPS WITH CHICKS ON THE SIDE JUST TO KEEP UP HIS, “I’M BRUCE WAYNE, PLAYBOY” BUT WHEN HE’S DONE HE PUNCHES EVIL IN THE FUCKING THROAT!!!!! WHY?!!! HE’S THE GOD DAMN BATMAN NOT THE ROMANTIC BATFUCK!!! CHICKS ALREADY DIG BATMAN, FUCKERS! THEY ALREADY WANT TO PAY TO SEE BATMAN!!!!

I mean god forbid a woman, who Hollywood executives would deem worthless flesh and only good for baby making and tits, enjoy something that would, oh, I don’t know, make them LAUGH, OR CHEER without reminding them that “OH MY GOD I WANT TO MAKE BABIES SHOW ME SOMEONE IN LOVE SO I CAN WANT THAT AND MAKE BABIES!”

Give the female audience more respect than that and leave that shit out of movies. Why? Bulletin points!

  • It bogs down the story: Keep the story moving. A rollercoaster.
  • It inflates the length of the film meaning less showings of the movie meaning less money the studio can make.

So please studios. Stop doing this shit.

PS: If you watch Twilight than you’re exactly what the studios want and you’re part of the problem and I can’t help you and you’re not allowed to watch Batman but you can watch that Arrow pussy with his shirt off.
