Super Thunder Blade (Genesis Review)


SUPER THUNDER BLADE (1989) (GENESIS) Here’s a short and sweet review. A very short game with that behind the character parallax shot — in this chase a helicopter. However without using the rewind feature on an emulator there’s no way I could beat this thing. The game my be on the cheap side or I’m just not that good or it could be both.  

The game still does control well and gives you the option to play inverted (WE HAD AN OPTION IN 1989 GAME DEVS). The helicopter does seem to move a little slow at times for the speed you’re traveling which can be a bother. No, it’s not the lack of having an analog, it’s the speed at which you’re traveling. Well, perceived to be trailing at.

You’re not actually going anywhere it’s just an on the rail-shooter for 90% of the game going left and right up and down on the screen. Then the camera will switch to an over the head camera shot like an old-school 1942 like bullet shooter and you’ll do the same motion range but flying backwards is a PAIN. Holding B to fly back is nearly a death trap which I never had to do until I was at the last boss, which I didn’t even know I could do till then!

Look at the score! It’s like I never died once! I wonder how I did it???????

Over all if you see the opportunity to buy it DON’T unless you’re physically collecting and I don’t even know if this is on a digital store somewhere. If you see the chance to play it then play it just to see where we game from but buy no means will it stick with you but it’s nice to see where we came from. Then again if you like to punish yourself and want to keep your skills sharp maybe you want to go old school hard.